We provide two commitments:
- 99.9% Uptime, as defined below.
- 99.9% Delivery, as defined below.
If we fall short of either or both of those commitments, you may request a period of free service for your organization.
Uptime is the percentage of total minutes that Pistachio's platform was available during a calendar quarter. The formula is as follows:
(total minutes in quarter - Downtime) / total minutes in quarter
Downtime is the number of minutes that the Pistachio platform is unavailable in a calendar quarter. All downtime incidents are reported on our status page and labelled as such. Downtime does not include periods of slowness or bugs related to specific features.
Delivery is the percentage of licensed users in a given organization that have received at least one training or attack email during a calendar quarter. The formula is as follows:
(licensed users receiving an attack or email in quarter) / licensed users
In order to be included in the calculation, a user must have been given a Pistachio license for the entirety of the calendar quarter. In addition, the user must be set up in a way that makes it possible for Pistachio to deliver emails during periods of normal operation.
This Delivery commitment does not apply if, at any time during the calendar quarter, the organization switched Pistachio to "inactive" / "off".
Free Service Period
If we fall short of either or both of the above commitments, you may request a period of free service for your organization. A period of two weeks of free service is applied for each of the commitments we failed to uphold. The free service is granted at the end of the Initial Term, or Renewal Period, that the customer is in at the time of claiming the free service period.
Claims for a free service period must be sent to support@pistachioapp.com, and must be made within 30 calendar days of the end of the applicable quarter. Claims will be verified against our system records.
Note that the free service period is not a refund and cannot be exchanged for a cash amount or other form of compensation. The free service period also expires upon termination of your customer contract.